If easier, I have full documentation on Notion: https://www.notion.so/Brain-Fart-ca72327b3b4e499d936fd7e1bd6dca25
I often find myself, mid-sentence, trying to remember what I was going to say in the middle of saying it. This happens more than I'd like to admit, and because of that, I have a specific tactic that I use to job my memory.
**How I Defeat Brain Farts**
If I'm mid-sentence or about to start a topic and I happen to forget it, I will:
1. Latch onto a word that reminds me of topic (or is in the sentence)
2. Say it, think it, repeat it until I remember
Image: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a300acalhqulm2o/Example_Convo.jpeg?dl=0
**Word Choice**
I don't have a rhyme or reason for which word I choose in the moment, but they often fall into this criteria:
1. Action word, or verb (run, sit, cook, etc)
2. Connected to a narrative
3. Connected to a memory
4. Something concrete and easily visualized (hammer, computer, pen)
**Repetition helps... to an Extent**
I repeat the word as many times as I need in my head until I can remember the topic or memory. The more time that passes, the more times I repeat the word. But after a certain amount of time, the repetition starts to become unhelpful and more distracting than it's worth.
Repetition is only helpful for simpler topics and ideas. This approach isn't useful for larger, more nuanced topics. ****
Image: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ty3rca1pnzuwp9v/Bit-Map_Coding_Game.001a.jpeg?dl=0
Repetition doesn't work in every scenario, and in fact, is best with simpler topics (think study flashcards). When repetition does work, there's a careful balance and time constraint in which repetition no longer becomes useful.
**The Game**
It's a game that explores the relationship between repetition, time, and mental capacity during that quick split second when you think you have a chance of actually remembering the topic.
**Game Walkthrough**
Image: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6bjphenzj9popzh/Game%20Flow.png?dl=0
**Different Levels**
There are a few variations that we can tweak to change the difficulty.
- How many randomized duplicate words populate on screen?
- Randomized colors, or randomly-changing colors per keypress
The harder it is to "remember" aka, get the word to the brain, the more time is spent trying to find the word in the duplicates. This game is really embodying the annoyance of not remembering something after a certain amount of time.